Club is created in 1998. Since the first session 43 sessions on which it is heard over 100 reports and messages have taken place. 60 knizhno-illustrative exhibitions are shown. The regional museum of local lore, literary association, area archive, historians, writers take part in club work, языковеды. Any person who is liking the native country can become the clubman. Participation in club work allows to exchange experience, to learn opinion of colleagues, to allocate priority problems of study of local lore. Participants of club have brought the contribution to working out of history of a native land, to judgment of its modern problems.
Presentation of the book of S.Liambekova "Katty kabat". In a picture: the author of the book "Katty kabat", poet S.Aksunkaruly, the writer M.Baimuhanov and admirers of creativity of S.Liambekova. |
Presentation of the book of M.Ermekova "My father - Alimhan Ermekov"
In a picture: Uskembaev K.S. - the candidate of historical sciences, the senior teacher the Hag; Ermekov M. A - the doctor of geologo-mineralogical sciences, the professor; Dyakova N.G. - the manager. Museum КGTU; Shaimuhanbetova Z. K - director The Karaganda regional research library, named after N.V.Gogol |
To the 190 anniversary of Tattimbeta (the director of a museum Tattimbeta T. Tusupbekuly) |
"Tugan Zherim - Saryarka". To the 70 anniversary of the Karaganda area (a Dr.Sci.Tech., prof. N.A.Drizhd, candidate of history science., the dean histiry. Faculty the Hag of E.A.Buketova of L.K.Shotpakova, prof. Z.G.Saktaganova, candidate of history science. N.A.Bejsenbekova, the leading archivist of region of archive R.Z.Sajfulina, candidate of history science. K.S.Uskembaev, prof. V.V. Kozin). |
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